Permanent Makeup offers woman of all ages the chance to look their best 24 hours a day, every day!  Imagine the convenience of lasting lip color, eyeliner or perfectly placed brows that will never wash off, smudge or smear.  Permanent make up is the revolutionary beauty treatment that will help define your brows, enhance your eyes and add definition to your lips, enhancing your natural beauty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  

When the eyebrows are fuller and extended you get a more youthful appearance. Eyebrows frame the face create expression, and can take years off your face. You can sleep, swim, shower, perspire, cry, wash and touch your face and your makeup remains in place.

Topical anesthetics are used to numb the area. These are specifically made for micropigmentation procedures and are highly effective and greatly minimize any discomfort. Disposable needles and materials are used for each client.  The procedure is performed under strict sterilization and sanitary guidelines. 


The word 'ombre' comes from the French word which means 'shaded'.  It uses a lighter color at the inside of the brows, darkening to a bolder color as you move through the arch. The ombre effect gives a soft shadow look -as if you had applied a brow powder.  A delicate shading technique achieved with a tattoo machine. It is also most appropriate for clients where individual strokes from Microblading are difficult to see, e.g. darker skin tones.
The entire process takes only 2 hours and there is no down time.  
You will be required to come back for a touch up 6-10 weeks after your initial procedure.  Touch ups are recommended once a year to prevent natural fading. Before scheduling your appointment please read studio POLICIES.

Do not work out the day before the procedure.
Do not tan or have a sun burned face, or you will be required to reschedule.
Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, or Ibuprofen 48 hours before the procedure.
No steroid shots 30 days before procedure.
No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before the procedure. 
No tweezing /waxing at least 48 hours before the procedure; electrolysis no less than 5 days before. Do not resume any method of hair removal for at least 2 weeks.
Eyelash or eyebrow tinting should be done no sooner than 48 hours before, or 2 weeks after the procedure.
In case you are using lash growing serums, you need to stop using them at least 4 weeks prior to your procedure, otherwise, procedure won't be possible to perform.
No Botox 4 weeks before your procedure.
Please note that you will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.
During procedures you are numbed with a topical anesthetic.

Proper after care is necessary to achieve the best results and longevity of your new eyebrows.

In the first 24 hours, gently rinse your eyebrows with bottle of filtered water. Make sure your hands are clean before rinsing and pat dry with a clean towel. Do this every 3 hours for 24 hours. After 24 hours do not let any water, soap, lotion or makeup touch your eyebrow area during the first 10 days after your procedure. After 7 days, make sure your hands are completely clean and gently apply the post-care ointment with a clean hands. It will help your skin to heal. Apply ointment sparingly once at night time for 7 days.

10 days post Magic Powder procedure to avoid:

Touching of the eyebrow area except for when rinsing and applying the post-care cream with a Q-tip

Increased sweating


Swimming, hot sauna, hot bath or Jacuzzi

Sun tanning or salon tanning

UV/UVA Rays or chemicals as they have been known to cause a shift in color and premature fading

Any laser, chemical treatments or peelings, using creams containing Retin-A or Glycolic acid on the face or neck

Picking or scratching of the micro pigmented area in order to avoid scarring of the area or removal of the pigment

Heavy household cleaning such as garage where is a lot of airborne debris

Drinking alcohol in excess, as it may lead to slow healing of wounds

Riding motorcycles, bicycle, convertibles or boat
Avoid sleeping on your face

Please wash your face carefully around the eyebrow without getting water on the treated area. Itching and flaking may appear during the first seven days post-magic powder procedure. Swelling, sensitivity and unevenness in color can occur and is to be expected. Entire healing process will take from 4-6 weeks depending on your body regeneration and age. Your new eyebrows will go through several phases during the healing cycle. The pigment will appear very natural looking immediately after the procedure, but the next day color of the pigment will appear much darker. Even with a proper care eyebrows may look uneven or hairstrokes may fade. this it normal and this is why touch up is needed after 6 weeks. The final look of your eyebrows will be apparent approximately 30 days after your procedure. When eyebrows completely healed, always apply SPF 50 when exposed to the sun. If you have any unexpected problems with the healing of the skin, please contact Isabel. Contact a physician if any signs or symptoms develop such as the following: fever, redness at the site, swelling, tenderness of the procedure site, any green/ yellow discharge that is foul in odor. You are required to have touch up appointment within 6-10 weeks after your initial procedure.

  • Ombre / Powder Brow $400

  • Touch Up 1-3 month $125

  • 3-6 month $150

  • 6-12 month $200


This is the ultimate brow treatment. It offers the best of both 'Powdered" and 'hair strokes' effects combined together to achieve a beautifully natural yet defined brow.


  • No Botox or Fillers 3 weeks before in the treatment area.

  • Do not work out 24 hours before procedure.

  • No alcohol or caffeine 24 hours before procedure.

  • Avoid sun and tanning two weeks prior to procedure.

  • Do not take Ibuprofen, Niacin, Vitamin E, Fish Oil, Gingko Biloba, St. John's Wort, Evening Primrose Oil 24 hours before procedure.

  • No waxing, tweezing, tinting 3 days before your procedure.

  • Electrolysis no less than five days before the procedure.

    Proper care following a procedure is necessary to achieve the best results. Swelling, sensitivity and unevenness in color can occur and is to be expected. This is why Permanent makeup is a 2 step procedure

  • Combo Brows $450

  • Touch Up 4-6 weeks $125.

  • Touch Up after 3 month $150

  • Touch Up after 12 month $200


This technique is able to adjust shape and color of your lips, lip liner for defining lips and adding fullness to natural contour. This procedure will keep your pout natural and soft. Treatment will begin with a consultation about the shape and color of your choice. Anesthetics is used during procedure.


  • If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex), we advise you to contact your doctor to CONSULT and obtain a prescription medication to prevent such outbreaks. You will need to be pretreated with anti-viral medication Valtrex or Zovirax. We recommend you to take medication 2 days prior to the procedure and 2 days after the procedure.

  • Make sure to moisturize the lips the week of your treatment.

  • Please come to your appointment WITHOUT LIPSTICK.

  • Do not exercise the day of your procedure.

  • Lip wax or bleaching treatments should not be undertaken for at least a two-week period preceding your permanent cosmetic procedure.

  • Injectable FILLERS may be done 3 month prior to your scheduled procedure. Do not get Botox treatment 2 month prior procedure.

  • Electrolysis treatments should be performed no less that 2 weeks prior to your procedure.

  • No alcohol or caffeinated products 24 hours prior.

  • Do not take aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, fish oil or ibuprofen for 72 hours prior.


Lip Blush after care is really important to the retention of the pigment. The true color results won’t be visible for at least three weeks to one month following the final procedure. Following the procedure, your look may be harsh and painted on looking, but it will soften up and look more natural as you heal.

You may swell or bruise, please make sure you don’t have anything important for the next 3 days after your visit. Over the next 3-7 days, the outer layer of color will appear crusty and start to flake off. Special care should be done while the treated area is healing. Don’t pick, scratch or rub the treated area or attempt to remove the crust on your lip. Removing of the crusts may result in the removal of the actual pigment and it may cause the infection. After 3-7 days as the outer layer will flakes off, and you will notice the color is lighter and softer. For the following two weeks, color that was implanted under the skin will start blooming. After one month, your healing process should be complete.

After you leave, if you’d like you can apply ice packs for 10-15 minuted each hour for the first 4-8 hours following the procedure. The ice is used to reduce swelling and provide comfort. Gently blot with a cleansing wipe or clean, damp cloth every hour for the first four hours. No soap, cleanse or shampoo on the treated area for 7 days. Be careful with toothpaste and mouthwash as it can remove lip color, so proceed with caution when using. All cleansing should be done with a clean Q-tip dipped in cool water and gently dabbed on the treated area. Do not rub the area in any way. Avoid biting and licking your lips.

Apply Aquaphor or A & D ointment with a Q-Tip in the procedure area several times per day. This is to be done in a gentle dabbing motion as not to disrupt the pigmentation bonding process. This will keep the area moist and accelerate the healing. Do not let the area dry out. Check your lips every 30 minutes and re-apply ointment as necessary. Do not press or rub when applying ointment. Apply an extra heavy coat of ointment to the treated area before bedtime, bath or washing and immediately upon waking up in the morning. If any form of redness, tenderness, drainage, fever or rash occurs, please contact Isabel or your health care provide immediately!

You can bathe or showers but do not wash, scrub or touch the treatment area. Hot, steamy baths and showers should be avoided completely. After two weeks, you may resume all regular activities. When brushing teeth for the first 3 days, coat lips with lot of ointment before brushing and use a minimal amount of toothpaste. Drink through a straw when possible for the 2-3 days after procedure. Avoid salty, spicy, greasy foods, hot beverages until your lips have completely healed. Do not use lipstick or cosmetics on treated area for 7 days. If you will use lipstick, it is recommended to get new lipstick to avoid the possibility of bacteria breeding in an old container. For at least 2 weeks avoid sun,steamy baths, tanning bad and swimming in a pool. If you use Retin-A, do not allow it to touch the treated area for 30 days. It will cause the area to peel and lighten.

Follow-up appointment within 6-10 weeks after your initial procedure.


  • 1-3month $150

  • 3-6 month $200

  • 6-11 month $270


Every woman knows that well applied eyeliner will accentuate the eyes, making lashes look darker and thicker and giving your eyes that certain sparkle. However, applying your own eyeliner is difficult and time consuming, and if you need glasses to see,it is almost impossible mission to accomplish!

You can sleep, swim and exercise and still look great 24/7 with no more runny eye make-up!  Never worry about smudges again.  A subtle, natural look, mimicking thousands of tiny eyelashes with the implantation of pigments in the lash line.  This procedure is popular with both male and female clients.  Additional shadowing of color can be added for a soft natural liner or a more bold, definite line can be achieved.
A thorough consultation will take place before the procedure to determine the desired result.  Since most eyeliner procedures are done in black it is one of the most long lasting treatments. This must be remembered when choosing a design.  All eyeliner procedures consist of 2 visits. A touch up is required once 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure for best results.
With Cosmetic Tattooing, your eyeliner is applied in the color and style you choose. From soft and natural, thick or thin, to a more glamorous look, whatever the choice, one thing is for certain… you can throw out your pencils and liquid liners for ever!


  • Any eyelash tinting or eyelash perming should be carried out no sooner than 1 week before or two weeks after the procedure.

  • Do not wear contact lenses during or immediately following the procedure. Remember to bring your glasses. You may resume wearing your contact lenses as soon as your eyes feel comfortable. (This is normally 24 hours after the procedure).

  • You must discontinue use of any eyelash growth serum Latisse, Revitalash, etc. 2 weeks prior to a permanent cosmetic procedure and you cannot use it again until three weeks after a procedure.

Absolutely no mascara for 5 days after the eyeliner procedure. To reduce the risk of infection, you must buy and use a new tube of mascara and eyeliner after the permanent cosmetic procedure.                                                                          

  • Eyeliner Thick $350

  • Eyeliner Thin $250

  • Bottom Eyeliner $200

  • Eyelash Enhancement $200